

Thieves Essential Oil is an excellent blend of essential oils that is specifically designed to support the body’s natural defenses. This proprietary essential oil blend was universally tested for its cleansing abilities. It includes Eucalyptus radiata essential oil, which may help maintain a healthy respiratory system.

Did you know that Thieves oil was developed based on the ingredients found in the “Four Thieves Vinegar” or “Marseilles Vinegar”?  The vinegar was first prepared by thieves that worked in the spice industry and robbed the dead and dying to generate income in the 15th century.  Some nasty things going around then.  Crazy time of history!


The oils in Thieves are Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus and Rosemary.  Remember last month talking about ORAC values?  If you need a refresher course, Lisa Greco Lopez wrote an excellent article about ORAC values and what they actually mean to us.  Check it out!

The ORAC value of these individual oils are as follows:

Clove – 1,078,700 µTE/100g (that is NOT a typo!  good stuff!)

Lemon – 660 µTE/100g

Cinnamon Bark – 10,340 µTE/100g

Eucalyptus – 2,400 µTE/100g

Rosemary – 330 µTE/100g

Also, Thieves is Kosher Certified.  Being kosher-certified means that a product is fit to use in any application in a manner that conforms to the kosher laws rooted in Biblical and Rabbinic traditions. These products and the facilities that produce them have been inspected and found to meet strict kosher requirements.


Thieves essential oil is definitely one of my favorite essential oil blends and I will not leave home without it! A day doesn’t go by that I don’t use Thieves for something.  And it’s found in so many YL products!  Might want to try it….just saying…

rrp-18   thieves-cleaner



Today I am excited to introduce guest blogger Matt Riemann, founder of ph360 and Shae, a new techology coming out this year that can help you make better health choices tailored to your personal needs and in real time.

Matt is a personalized health expert and has addressed both the United Nations and the World Health Organization at their request, advised the US Army and recently did a TED Talk on personalized health in Los Angeles.

“My Healthy Habits were Making me Sick”: Three People Share Their Stories

By Matt Riemann, founder of ph360, entrepreneur, changemaker

If you’ve ever had symptoms that won’t go away no matter what you try, prescribed or over-the-counter, physical or mental, big or small, then I think you’ll enjoy reading the stories of Janna and Diana. Though their stories are very different, they have something very important in common: each woman, either suddenly or over time, was faced with a slew of physical symptoms that persisted despite her leading what she considered a healthy lifestyle – eating right, exercising, and managing her stress. More importantly, what these women’s stories share is a triumphant conclusion! Read on.


My life. I‘m a 63-years young proud mom of two beautiful daughters who love to travel the world. I spend a lot of time on my own, with my nose in a book, my arms deep in soil while I garden in the sun, or discovering new places, cultures and foods on my own travels to far off lands.

My challenges. Just a few years ago, I went for my annual physical. One week, one biopsy, and many tests later, it was confirmed: I had inflammatory breast cancer, Stage 3. Immediate chemotherapy, a full mastectomy, radiation; my body went through it all. I felt extremely weak and constantly ill. My hair and nails were gone, as was the sensation in my hands and feet from the nerve damage. And to top that off, all the treatment was also killing my liver. All I wanted was the strength to complete treatment and regain my strong body.

My triumph. I was blessed to be given personalized lifestyle recommendations via a health program my daughter discovered and suggested to me. Little by little, I changed what I was eating, and slowly, my liver values returned to normal. All I knew was that I was happy to have my liver and my body back. To be feeling new, and that I had personalized health to thank for it. I notice that when I follow my diet closely, my lymph flows freely and the swelling that sometimes shows up in my arm (a function of several lymph nodes being removed along with my left breast as part of cancer treatment), goes down.


My life. I’m 49 years old, an avid skiing, hiking, and health enthusiast. I have three daughters and three grandchildren who are my world. My life’s passion is helping others get healthy, which I’ve done as a health coach for the last twenty years.

My challenges. Out of my 49 years of life, I’ve been extremely healthy for 48 of them, maintaining a slim, strong figure with only a few grey hairs visible on my head. That all changed a few years ago, when I began to get aches and pains, and soon after muscle weakness, joint pain, memory loss, mental fog, ringing in my head, sinus issues, extreme hand dryness, shingles, fatigue and constant heart palpitations. If that wasn’t enough, I was waking up with nosebleeds and rarely did a severe headache pass up the opportunity to greet my afternoon. The vibrant, energetic woman I considered myself to be was all of a sudden physically debilitated and unenthusiastic about life.

My triumph. I sought help from various health professionals and, though well-intentioned, none could tell me what was going on with my body. Then came the long-awaited solution that at first threw me for a loop. I discovered, thanks to personalized health solutions recommended to me by a friend, that my particular bodily constitution benefits from living at low altitudes and warm, dry climates. I also discovered that kale, touted as the nutrient-rich “superfood,” was good for me in very small quantities or not at all. Here I was living in the cold, windy mountains, drinking green smoothies packed with kale every day for the past two years. Pessimistic yet hopeful, I went to stay with my daughter, who lived in an environment that mimicked what I was being told was ideal for my body, to give this latest recommendation a try. After nearly 3 weeks, all of my symptoms were gone! My soft hands, supple joints, and clear head and sinuses were back! I felt like a completely new woman! One who was and is so grateful for finding the right things for her body when she did! Thanks to personalized health.

Can you relate to Janna and Diana? I can. In 2006, I awoke in severe and excruciating pain – a sensation that felt like I was being stabbed in the chest and soon enough in my spine too. I was doing everything I thought I was supposed to be doing – eating right, exercising every day, managing my stress, spending time with loving, supportive family and close friends, and leading a passionate career as a physical therapist working with Olympic athletes. Needless to say, I was surprised by the constant, severe pain I was all of a sudden having. I tried every available treatment option. Everything from physical and hydro therapy to pain and anti-inflammatory medication. Nothing helped. After months of confusion and frustration, I found out I had familial amyloid polyneuropathy. A condition caused by a mutation in my TTR gene. I was told that l would be alive for a maximum of 9 more years, most of which I’d spend in a wheelchair.

I spent the following year researching and meeting with clinical geneticists and genetics researchers and I learned something life changing. Our genes, like my TTR gene, can be activated or deactivated by way of our lifestyle and environment. All I had to do was find out and enact the lifestyle and environment that were right for me. The solution recommended for my unique biology and genetics by some of the greatest minds in the world, led me to making some unexpected changes to my diet and lifestyle. Soon enough I was completely pain free!

You too can triumph over your health challenges. That’s because we now know that our genes, whether for illness or health, obesity or thinness, acne or clear skin, can be activated or deactivated, turned on or off. Our environment and lifestyle is what controls the switch. What Janna and Diana have in common is that the cause of their triumph was personalized. They each made changes specific to them.

The wisdom of epigenetics has revived in society a new hope that each one of us can get and stay optimally healthy by learning to operate our personal epigenetic on/off switch. That’s why the real triumph for me wasn’t in becoming pain-free myself but in creating a way for everyone in the world to have their unique epigenetic wisdom work for them. Developed alongside a global team of doctors, researchers and scientists, it’s a wellness platform known as Personal Health 360 that applies personalized health to give each person insights specific to their unique body, from the point of view of the many facets of epigenetics.

The solution to your quest for optimal health lies in the ways you eat, exercise, think and sleep. The ways you socialize, work, and live, and anywhere in between. So I hope you’ll join Janna and Diana and thousands of other men and women all around the world who are reclaiming their health and wellness by discovering what is right for them with Shae™, the next generation of ph360 and the very first application to customize health specifically for your unique body and circumstances in real time.”

I am looking forward to trying out my own device this Fall.  (Shae has a Kickstarter campaign you can check out here.)  Here’s to better health for all of us!

Garden Happenings


Getting back to the garden after an extended hiatus where we let things go wild.  Several pretty blooms, and I am excited about our tomato beds.  We got the idea from DIY wicking beds using pvc, gravel, container, etc..  Google it, there are so many variations that use supplies you probably already have!  Tomatoes prefer to be watered from the bottom up, so this should be a success…we will find out!  I also planted some bush beans in the container as the kids love fresh green beans!  We also have some cucumbers and I just picked up some peppers, another tomato (Cherokee Purple) and strawberries for a $1 each!  OH, and peppermint to put in a pot.  I am so happy to be back out in the dirt.  It’s been awhile I am ashamed to say…

And it looks like we will have lemons this year!!  So excited for this!  We have a dwarf Meyer’s lemon in our front yard and I wasn’t sure if it would really ever produce, but this is year 3 and it’s covered!  Happy dancing over this…;)

What are you growing this year?

Review: AQUA Carpatica Naturally Sparkling Water


A recent article in The Atlantic pointed to the effects carbonated water has on tooth decay. As people started substituting sparkling water for soda, studies were being conducted on dental effects and it all boils down to pH.

Acidity is measured on a pH scale. The lower the number, the more acidic the substance, and the more detrimental to dental health. Pure water has a pH level of 7. Bottled water, both still and carbonated, can have a pH level of 5-7, while sodas can have a pH level as low as 2.

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AQUA Carpatica recently sent me some products to sample. Both sparkling water and still water. I have to say, I love sparkling water, and this water didn’t disappoint. It has a very smooth consistency. Not overly carbonated, but still just as refreshing! And it appears to be healthier for your teeth than most other carbonated waters!

For those who love sparkling water but are concerned about the recent news, consult your pH scale! AQUA Carpatica Naturally Sparkling Water has a nearly neutral pH of 6.5 – the closest pH level to pure water compared to other brands on the market (for comparison, Poland Spring Sparkling has pH of 4.6, Perrier 5.8, and San Pellegrino 5.6 according to recent lab tests with NSF International).

AQUA Carpatica’s Naturally Sparkling Water also contains a very high mineral content, which according to dentists, can actually offset some of the potential damage caused by consuming beverages with a low pH. AQUA Carpatica Naturally Sparkling Water contains 280.00mg/L of Calcium, 24% of an adult’s daily needs. So while there is still some natural CO2 in AQUA Carpatica, the nearly neutral pH level and the mineral content can offset the acidity, making AQUA Carpatica Naturally Sparkling Water the ideal choice for a sparkling refreshment.

This brand has recently been launched in select stores and will be available in national stores in the coming months.  I highly recommend grabbing a few bottles and trying them for yourself…refreshing!