Today is Day 2 of my journey into plant based eating and so far so good. I was a bit worried about my love for cheese breaking me down and having me running back to dairy, however a friend told me about cashew cheese so I headed over to Whole Foods yesterday and found some sliced. I put it on my open faced avocado sandwich today and let me tell you, YUM! This definitely is what I was hoping it would be. I didn’t feel deprived at all! If anything I filled up and am quite a happy camper with my lunch.
My sandwich consisted of:
2 slices toasted Ezekial bread
a dab of Earth Balance vegan butter on each half (making hummus for next time)
a slice of Cashew cheese on each half
handful of baby spinach
half an avocado divided
The smoothie was:
about 1/2 cup frozen mixed berries
dash of coconut water
Almond milk
scoop of plant based protein powder that includes powdered greens
I have my supplements from Young Living and am still drinking coffee. I use Almond milk instead of nonfat cow milk. Still just as good! I have talked about this for far too long and now that I am actually diving in I am thrilled. We never eat terrible, however I am not getting any younger and can feel the effects of my love for bread and cheese a bit too much these days. I would like the second half of my life to be the best yet in regards to my health, so here we go! I plan on being here for a very long time my friends!
A very good friend who is actually the catalyst to all this, is having an amazing 2 week plant based group starting on September 1 for anyone who is interested. It will be 2 weeks of plant based eating to see if it’s something you want to continue, and she will have tons of information and education on nutrition and what really does a body good! It’s a Facebook group so anyone from anywhere can join. It’s called Inside Out: Healing Our Body with Plants.
Click on the title to join! I am so looking forward to learning more and cooking some yummy vegan deliciousness! Want to come along on this journey?
~ Cat